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Jun 03, 2021

[► YouTube] How to Change Your Thinking with Daniel Schmachtenberger

by: Dave Gorum

I'm mostly engaged with Schmachtenberger's work as a way to practice understanding how complex thinkers move through big systems of thought. There's a fluidity to his thinking that I find compelling. The negative valience of his existential risk mindset can be a lot at times.

was ambiently listening. started annotations at 19:00:00

talking about laissez faire capitalism and what kinds of dark markets would appear. sex trade, violence. lawless.

asymmetric enforcement. monopoly of violence and rule of law.

the market needs to be checked. the thing that checks it needs to be more powerful than the market or it doesn’t work.

the state has monopoly of violence to balance the market. the purpose of the state is to check the predatory aspects of the market while affording the healthy aspects of the market. this only works if the people check the state.

unchecked markets give you feudalism again. the state balances this out. wealth imbalances. power-law distribution of wealth

george washington: the number one aim of govt is the comprehensive education of everyone in the science of govt

how rule of law works. how economics work. game theory. coordination theory. current information and the ability to process the information. the people craft proposals.

if you don’t participate in govt you are de facto consenting to be ruled

identity politics are a great way to keep people at each other’s throats. recognizing deeper commonalities. narrative warfare trap

instructive understanding of the algorithms: gary casperov facing the chess algo. blew him out of the water. the algos running facebook are orders of magnitude more powerful. maximize for time on site. nuance doesn’t keep you on site. incentive for salaciousness

certainty is a type of self-deception

society should minimize addictive tendency

businesses try to increase the total addressable market and increase the lifetime value of a customer. have them keep coming back via addiction. supply side motive benefits from addiction.

war and sickness make GDP go up. unpack

the demand side doesn’t have the coordination of the supply side. demand is disaggregated and the supply side is coordinated. google vs consumers. supply side manufacture demand. theory of markets says people want actual value.

hacked status desires that are split tested ai optimized. manufactured demand as addiction. this breaks markets. the collective intelligence is hijacked

metcalfe’s law. the value of the network is proportional to the number of people on it. relation to monopoly anti-trust laws. network monopolies appear in a different way. functional monopoly larger than countries. the countries move slower than corporations. and the networks affect public opinion. it becomes obligate. is it unchecked power? is it tending to the good of the whole? how do we check it? exponential technologies create orders of magnitude more power at a higher speed than previous technologies. they’re not being developed for comprehensive commons as their basis. no checks and balances.

good and evil is a good model for conditioning a social mindset for war. look at cartoons, media. the idea that the good guy realizes he’s the bad guy is an extraordinarily rare trope.

coordination failure. arms races.

a dialectic between progressive and conservative. what is worth conserving. what is worth moving forward. technological thinking is inherently progressive. needs a balancing with the traditional.

virtuous cycle between individualism and collectivism.

symbiotic values in all sides. holding these in dialect

quantum mechanics. there is an upper bound to the knowable. incompleteness theorem. consistency but never completeness. tarsky’s theorem. all upper bounds on knowability itself

epistemic humility

knowledge as useful, not True. our reverence is for reality which is beyond knowable. keep knowing parts. doing this indefinitely

the sacred isn’t knowable. only pointable-to

not resisting new information. actively seeking how we’re wrong.

the mental health crisis is directly correlated with the optimization for GDP. civilization shouldn’t be optimizing for GDP. the civilization should be optimizing for the psychological health of the people and the social health of the people and their ability to coordinate together. all the things are done by people. what is the basis by which people are making sense together and making choices. and what is their ability to coordinate together and is civilization enhancing that ability. this should be the basis of what civilization should be trying to serve.

good discussion of psychedelics and the necessity of good stewardship of the psychotech

supply and demand as a dialectic

supply side innovation with the tesla. elon musk and tesla. demand wasn’t triggering itself.

small number of people recognizing something of collective value.

we effect the whole and we are effected by the whole. holding ourselves as unique and interconnected at the same. holding this synthesis.

it has to start with culture not start with market. this is the seed of autopoesis.

the need to recouple power and wisdom.