a network of nomads (talk notes) (8/10)
by: Jon Borichevskiy
< :: buzzard 7 : network of nomads : a map :: >
- type: conversation notes
- really not sure what to put for the category here...
- where: [[on a walk]] to [[the coffee shop up the road]]
- ok something really has to be done about this geospatial reference problem
- keystroke should have location data associated with them (accessible only by the author)
- who: Kristen, Dave, myself, assorted members of the general public
- can different {myself} references point to different places on the site with eleventy
- How do you connect people looking for similar modes of being?
- How do you put such a place on a map?
- a beacon and an invitation to play
- points on the map
- homes to hang out in for two weeks or more
- group dinners and a big kitchen
- focus on community-building and cooperation
- self sustainable
- has a garden
- creative space with interfaces & instruments
- driving distance to airport
- invitational and word of mouth
- open coordination tools with auditable history
- how much information should a place should store about itself?
- to go full Beginning of Infinity, what is the limit for a cube of space?
- how much information should a place should store about itself?
- money & collaboration
- money is a way of signaling our confidences and preferences about the world
- our current conceptions of money are constructed on ideas of debt and non-completeness
- current instantiation of markets are socio-cognitive mutual constructions
- not inevitable or a law of nature
- debt is currently the primary mutual cooperation agreement and communication mechanism
- we have a system that rewards hoarding
- investing in ancestors vs descendants
- how much of byproduct of growth to the entity/structure that
- the near future
- a self-sustaining network of information and a set of tools to query and build that network
- new business entities
"The law doesn’t do what a tech-savvy contract attorney couldn’t have already done, said Wyoming Sen. Chris Rothfuss (D-Laramie), but it does make the process of a DAO becoming an LLC easier and cheaper. Rothfuss is the co-chair of the Select Committee on Blockchain and Financial Technology that sponsored the legislation"
- a space between a company and nonprofit
- more large-scale sustainable social games!
< :: buzzard 7 : network of nomads : a map :: >