Analysis of Shahruz's Posts - game 04, phase 02
by: Kristen Pavle
This post is part of the Game04 Series
- Each of the Buzzard squad was assigned to analyze one another's posts for Game 04. This was basically phase 02 of Game 04: i.e. Game 04.02
- I analyzed Shahruz's posts
- This is my write-up of the exercise
Stack and high-level process
- Apple Notes - iPad (+ Apple pencil) - notes on my first round analysis of Shahruz's posts
- Safari to view Shahruz's posts
- Visual Code Studio to view code for Shahruz's posts, and to edit this write-up post for formatting on the site
- Figma - to pull together screenshots of Apple Notes into one image (for some reason, the only option for Notes export is to PDF, AND it exports on a white background, with page breaks - lol, this ruins the whole purpose of using Notes for me, so YEAH, hacking shit together to suit my own purposes) AND to add another layer of analysis
- Roam Researcg - to compose this .md document in raw form, and store my image
- GitHub to 🚀
(Detailed) Process
- I used a form of qualitative analysis for Shahruz's posts that I call "bucketing" that works something like this:
- Start with the mindset of looking for anything in Shahruz's posts that has to do with format or structure of content; if something really jumps out to me based on content, note this as well but stay focused on formatting of info. I did all of this documentation in an Apple Note doc
- With this mindset, I started reviewing his posts from 1 to 10, in chronological order. Noting what I was finding along the way:
- There were some obvious ways that Shahruz structured his posts, e.g. section breaks using horizontal lines, sections for meta reflection, sections of other posts of his from Game04 that were related, etc.
- I also notated media forms, e.g. YouTube vids, Tweets, etc.
- Structures, formats, media forms were 1 column (left) and the corresponding post number were the 2nd column (right) - probably wasn't necessary to document which posts corresponded to which form but it was nominally interesting so I did it as I went along
- The content analysis was separate from the more "formal" formatting analysis, though it did inform my thinking of what "form" means in a relational OS. All of this was kept in the same Apple Note doc
- I took screen shots of text with the most interesting or intriguing content; sometimes I underlined sections of text or made notes in the margins (all on iPad, in whatever editor the OS uses for screenshots)
- I also wrote down my questions, thoughts, and responses to the posts
- I separated out the content by post, in chronological order - so if I needed to, I could go back to look to where I was initially inspired
- In many ways, this kind of notation and content analysis felt more in alignment with what I'd be doing in a relational OS - so I got the feeling that this curation level of creative work was just as important as the initial creation of the posts. This was a good realization. There's a lot of similiarities in drafting a post from "scratch" vs. drafting a post in response to someone elses' posts.
- After finishing the analysis if form and structure, with some content analysis - I moved this content from Apple Notes to Figma for a final round of analysis.
- This round of analysis was written in text to the right of the first two rounds. Free form documentation of whatever arose when looking through my Apple Note doc
- Not going to do any further written documentation of my findings, but I'll time stamp the YouTube vid when it goes live where I start talking about what I found
- Apple Note doc:
- Figma doc
- And if you don't want to open Figma, maybe you can see what's up here?
- And if you don't want to open Figma, maybe you can see what's up here?