5.19.21 Chat Reflections
by: Buzzard
Shahruz Kristen Dave CJ Jon
j: add to and edit this page to your heart's content, all!
- would be nifty to see Telegram comment replies on here automatically
Jon on 5.20.21
I knew this would be a fun call but I didn't grasp just how far we could wander in conversation. It was like school, an improv play, and a dinner party all rolled into one. It created a place for play: a safe, context-full, and collaborative space to explore and build with our shared ideas and perspectives.
how do we take a variety of input streams (spoken, typed, written, drawn, played) and cross-reference between them?
how to share mixed-medium communication formats with friends without having to convert and parse the outgoing or incoming formats before combining them?
how do you capture, share, and quote chains of reasoning across diverse channels of discussion
my notes were like my anchor to reality. They gave me a safe space to record, doodle, and reason without distracting anyone else or seeming distracted myself
- however, I still kinda wished for a collaborative whiteboard like a figjam on which I could move bits and pieces of mine onto. Like a window.
at some point writing text became too much for my exhausted brain to handle and so I switched to pure doodling. It went from pen to whiteboard marker and back, and then back to text.
correlates with my energy level perhaps?
would be very interesting to watch a recording of it being drawn
- I want figjam with a public and private section. Also the ability to transclude between them and have them synced to the audio and video the chat
game idea: start with a number of tokens and get rewarded by rewarding others with tokens... for what I'm not clear. vibe points?
screencasts are awesome, and most awesome when they aren't pre-recorded and you get to see the nuts and bolts of how things are made of a peek into their creators
I want zoom to turn my video off when I close my eyes for an extended period of time. That way, everyone still knows I'm with them... just relaxing and focusing on absorbing audio instead of everything at once
Dave: minimal but frustrating bounds
I wish I could transcribe my notes and layer the text directly over produced artifact