June 21 - Buzzard Sync - Meta Reflections
by: Buzzard
In the style of the last meta/forum-style post, making this one!
- really great call today with the group. Felt like we were wandering and exploring together. Couple highlights:
- What are we building here anyway? A schema!
- Also CJ just pausing everything and being like, wait wait what? lmao so good
- Generally an amazing time. Notes helped me get in the flow but I soon realized the discussion was occupying most of my attention.
- When I need to look away or just write something down, being able to put it on a screen helps me focus on the actual discussion and speaker.
- looking forward to our coding session tomorrow!
- mmm yes agreed, this was a good one. It felt a little bit slow for me to get into, but eventually was able to really get going
- I think Kristen mentioned something to this effect early on which I thought was amazing
- The echo from the house was a bit distracting
- Shahruz with pointing out "schema" really helped.
- Now we have some concrete definition of "blocks"
- Immediately it helped create a bunch of answerable questions
- Schema:
- Filename - UNIX Timestamp
- Creator - (text/eth hash)
- Datetime - ISO 8061 (with timezone? - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD)
- Type - text
- Context - text
- Content - binary data
- The playing with different metaphors of block was quite interesting
- Media Legos
- Game Cartridge and Console
- Biology/Cells
- Super excited to have the schema for the "blocks" down as well as some base knowledge how we are going to compose them. That felt really big for me. Stoked y'all
- Slow to start as we figured out what it was we we're even doing, oh! designing a schema!
- I've heard the term schema before but wasn't too familiar with it. Just looked up the word - organization or structure for a database, makes sense.
- Funny enough, I didn't need to know what a schema was to understand what was going on. This kind of organization is familiar to me - creating buckets of information, little abstractions to better understand and communicate information
- A lot of "felt-sense" of what is going on, without understanding the technical details thoroughly.
- The good news is, I don't need to understand the technical nuance. I've got a general sense. That's enough, as I'm not building this from the ground up.
- I know enough to follow in conversation and be able to contribute a bit - seems workable
- The "magical context creator" ✨ was the most exciting part for me
- As Dave said, "a toehold into relational", this will potentially evolve into an entire relational schema
- I like this fractal nature of what we're building (blocks on blocks)(schemas on schemas) - lots of room for organic growth
- Towards the end of the call, I felt like we were in a project together, like a "work" project
- Mostly because we were getting into specifics for building: e.g. edit.buzzard.life talk, what we can take off the shelf to build and what needs to be built from scratch
- IDK why programming makes this more "real" but it does!
- Left feeling real excited for the next meet-up to further flesh out details for the build