(things) (todo)
(content) (to consume):
(things) (to research):
- improv
- protocols
- erc 721
- erc 20
- bitcoin
- 5g
- ip
- layer2 blockchains
- PoS v PoW
- how did cells come about
- multisig wallets
- exquisite corps
(content) (to annotate)
- shahruz init
- latest convos
- neo4j
- shahruz and us
- youtube and notes
- add timestamps and my notes and reflection
(things) (to build)
- some kind of annotator
- some thing that connects things
- or uses graph db to play with
- spin one up even if it is centralized?
- get dave to use?
- can we export?
- maybe something sql that is simple? or neo4j
- telegram channel -> buzzard
- rss on buzzard
(questions) (to answer)
- how do calendars fit in?
- am i going to do this full time?
- how do we organize ourselves?
- can you help prioritize the things on my todo?
- how do we break these tasks up to get better understanding throughout whole group?
- i dont need to know everything. how do we build this in? i have tendency to want to know this
- can we have a content playlist or something? everything that we are and have consumed?