What’s Missing from Buzzard Game 04 - game 04.09
by: Kristen Pavle
Game04 post 09/10
- Game 04 is ending and it feels like there’s a lot of room to continue playing with the content alone. Not to mention the bigger project of creating protocols, primitives, etc.
- Journaling about what’s to come with Game 04
I didn’t give myself enough time, didn’t budget for it, to read an immerse myself in the posts that everyone else created. I plan to spend my time later today and into the week, reading everyone’s creations. And doing a bit of curation. Curate the creations.
I’m already starting to see a type of hyper object emerging from Game 04. A piece of hyper media that is relational OS, that is Buzzard. There’s interesting connections across what we’re each creating. But even more interesting is this sense of how we each approach these games differently. Our interpretation of the games is different and allows for a personalized approach to game play. I love this.
And I love that there’s typically a red-thread of experience throughout the games. For Game 04, I’ve picked up on some subtle and not-so-subtle frustrations or self-consciousness:
- my 3rd post,
- @Shahruz’s comment in his 1st post , “Feeling a little lost but enjoying it. I hope I'm not doing this wrong”, and
- Conversations with @Jon and @Dave IRL
And yet, it’s fun. It’s fun to explore and experiment with new styles of collaboration. With decentralized publishing. To see how each of us approach the game. To see what kind of content we generate, and what kind of relationships we’ll create between our respective outputs.
I’m feeling a part of me wake up, the qualitative researcher in me who likes to analyze information for thematic elements. It’s fun to have this weird shared context with a small group. To narrow the field of content I analyze. Otherwise, I find myself analyzing the entire world and it’s just too big. I need constraints. At least sometimes.
Looking forward to the analysis and curation phase of game 04. For me this will start today… stay tuned!
P.S. My frustrations, as noted in my 3rd post, have largely evaporated. They're less frustrations now, and more opportunities to hone in on what we're building. I blame the sugar crash for the emotional upheaval. 🥸